Frequently Asked Questions about Jackson Equity Project

  1. What is JEP’s mission and vision?

    Jackson-Madison County Equity Project is a nonpartisan organization which advocates for equity and justice for marginalized, disenfranchised, and oppressed people living in our community. We envision a world in which people of all ethnic groups create, share, and enjoy resources and relationships equitably. Jackson Equity Project is a fund of the West Tennessee Healthcare Foundation.

  2. How is your organization structured?

    The Jackson Equity Project consists of a General Membership, nine Community Action Committees, a Board of Trustees, and an Executive Committee.  The Board of Trustees is made up of 9 members selected to the Board by their peers. This includes an Executive Committee that consists of a Board Chair, Vice Chair, Recording Secretary, Treasurer and Past Chair, and four additional elected members.

  3. Who is involved with JEP?

    The Jackson Equity Project is made up of members from our community passionate about positive social change.  We are multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, diverse in our political views, yet united in our desire for equity.

  4. Are you affiliated with any political party or movement?

    The Jackson Equity Project is a nonpartisan, nonsectarian organization, with no affiliation with any political party or religious organization.

  5. How do you determine who is disenfranchised, marginalized, and oppressed in a community?

    We consistently review the most up to date statistics, reports and information about the Jackson-Madison County area, some of which may be found below.  We use this data to identify those populations among us with the greatest need, paying special attention to areas of inequity based on ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic status.

  6. How can I invest?

    You can follow this link, and select Jackson Equity Project via the dropdown option!

  7. How can I get involved?

    Get in touch through our contact link, and we’ll point you in the right direction!

  8. Where can I find more resources?

    Visit our Facebook page to find out more information about the work we’re doing and upcoming events. 

  9. Where can I find accurate information about the socioeconomic disparities in Jackson?

    City of Jackson Tennessee Assessment of Fair Housing

    City of Jackson Anti-Poverty Task Force 2020 Report

    United Way ALICE Report

    Kids Count Data Center

    West TN Healthcare Community Needs Assessment

  10. What is the difference between EQUALITY and EQUITY?

    Equality is typically defined as treating everyone the same and giving everyone access to the same opportunities. Meanwhile, equity typically refers to proportional representation (by race, class, gender, etc.) in those same opportunities. Equality gives everyone the same thing, but equity gives everyone what they need, while also addressing injustices that may have been the root cause of inequity.

  11. What are the tangible steps you are taking towards a more equitable community?

    We are developing ways to foster greater community and partnership with the Jackson Police Department, while also seeking a review of Use of Force policies and procedures based on recommendations from Gov. Bill Lee.  We are also examining areas in our community that are in need of greater investment, and developing strategies to assist: Public Education, Workforce Development, Health Disparities, Fair Housing, Minority Business Development, and Criminal Justice Reform.

  12. How is JEP funded?

    The Jackson Equity Project is funded by individual donors, and through the application for grants from those aligned with the mission and vision of the organization.